That’s “Mr. Huffnpuff” to you!

Despite being surrounded by nature that often seems boundless, I haven’t been able to hike much since moving to Vermont. For most of the summer it rained every weekend, and weekday afternoon hikes aren’t so easy, since most trails here are pretty hardcore. As I’ve learned, so are Vermonters.

Every time I’ve gone for a hike, I’ve been shamed by at least one person nearly twice my age. At Hunger Mountain, a few women in their 70s darted past us up the steep trail. They climbed the mountain so quickly that they later passed us going down…while we were still trudging up! At least one of them was close to 80, bless her soul. That hike is about two miles each way, with a climb of over 2,000 feet. Vermonters are… Read More ➤

The Journey

“As a basis for change, we need to recognize that as long as we live in this world we will encounter problems, things that obstruct the fulfillment of our goals. If, when these happen, we lose hope and become discouraged, we diminish our ability to face these difficulties.”—His Holiness the Dalai Lama, The Compassionate Life

For me, life is all about the journey. When we think we’ve found contentment and comfort, that’s usually when unhappiness creeps in. If we are always striving for something better, we stay filled with hope, and life seems to have much more purpose. If nothing else, we stay too busy to let things make us unhappy… Read More ➤

Seasons Change…People Change.

Autumn is all but gone. The colors seemed to come out of nowhere, bursting in beautiful intensity until all the world seemed to have a new coat of paint. It was magical—short, but magical. I really wasn’t expecting much this year, considering the near-drought conditions of summer that caused many trees to drop leaves a month early. But somehow, nature held back just enough for the big finale.

Isn’t that how life should be though? Full of… Read More ➤


Even at my age, I find that I’m often dreaming—not those fantasies about weird or illogical things, but dreaming, nonetheless. My kind of dreaming is just getting wrapped up in the small things around me–the things most people just ignore, deliberately or by default.

When I see a butterfly, I don’t just say “oooh, pretty,” before snapping a photo. I sort of go into… Read More ➤

One Small Man

It’s easy to feel bigger than the world. After all, we’re always inside our own head, so it becomes our world or at least our frame of reference for it. Sometimes we just don’t see any further than ourselves. But there are times when I’m reminded that the world is so much bigger than I am. No, I don’t have to descend into a volcano, jump from a plane, or climb a huge mountain. Sometimes it only takes something small.

I recently stumbled upon … Read More ➤

There’s Treasure Everywhere.

As old as I am, I still learn and see new things every day. Sure, in many ways, I’ve seen and done it all, and a few folks think I’m wise beyond my years. But put a camera in my hands and send me into the woods, and I’m like a kid in a candy store for the very first time.

While hiking dirt paths and long-closed roads, sweating like a pig, and swatting at gnats from hell, I’m still… Read More ➤